Writing Task 1:Summarize written text

Read the following information.

Natural resources are biological and physical components - PTE Writing Sample Answer

Read the passage below and summarise it using one sentence. Type your response in the box at the bottom of the screen. Your response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents the key points in the passage. You have 10 minutes to submit your response. Everyone is aware that Natural resources are biological and physical components that we get from nature and make our lives better and easier. Our lives depend on all of these natural resources for living. There are very common natural resources, which are crops, minerals, water, Air, and many more. The resources which we get from living beings are known as Biotic resources, and those are milk, honey, fruit, etc. All of the Natural resources are distributed unevenly among the different regions. This is the main reason behind many countries that have international trade relationships. We use these resources as per our requirement, but now every country around the world is showing a very serious concern and use with proper plan and limitations. Because unplanned usage of natural resources may lead to create a huge number of problems for human being. There are many countries around the World which are now focusing on increasing the usage of all the renewable resources and recycling the waste. We should all follow the steps of sustainable development, in which we should use natural resources as per our requirement and that includes no wastage of our natural resources. This indicates us towards a balanced use of natural resources for the sake of our better future.

Natural resources are biological and physical components received from nature and make human lives easier and better, however their unplanned usage create huge problems and hence the focus is on using renewable resources of energy.