Listening Part 2: Highlight incorrect words

PTE Listening Part 2- Sample 7: Highlight Incorrect words

When one thinks about what a holiday means for students, we notice how important it is for the kids. It is a time when they finally get the chance to take a break from studies and pursue their hobbies. They can join courses which give them special training to specialize in it. They can get experts in arts, craft, pottery, candle making and more. Furthermore, they also make new friends there who have the same interests. In addition, students get to visit new places on holiday. Like during summer or winter holidays, they go with their families to different cities and countries. Through holidays, they get new experiences and memories which they remember for a lifetime. Furthermore, it also gives them time to relax with their families. Other cousins also visit each other’s places and spend time there. They play games and go out with each other. Moreover, students also get plenty of time to complete their homework and revise the syllabus.