Listening Part 8: Summarize Spoken Text

PTE Listening Part 8- Sample 12: Summarize The Spoken Text

Success can be defined in many ways, but it generally refers to achieving a goal or reaching a desired outcome. Whether it's personal, professional, or academic, success is often seen as a marker of achievement and progress. However, the path to success can be long and challenging, and it often requires perseverance, hard work, and a willingness to learn from failures. One key factor in achieving success is setting clear and realistic goals. By defining what we want to accomplish, we can create a roadmap for achieving our objectives and measure our progress along the way. Another important element is persistence. Success rarely comes easily, and setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of the journey. By persevering in the face of adversity, we can overcome challenges and move closer to our goals. Success is also often linked to personal qualities such as determination, creativity, and resilience. Those who are able to adapt to changing circumstances, think outside the box, and bounce back from setbacks are more likely to achieve their goals than those who give up easily or are afraid to take risks. Ultimately, success is a subjective and personal concept, and what may be considered success for one person may be different for another. It's important to define success on our own terms, rather than measuring ourselves against others, and to take pride in our achievements, no matter how small or large they may be.

You must stay focused and concentrate fully until the last question has been answered.