Listening Part 8: Summarize Spoken Text

PTE Listening Part 8- Sample 10: Summarize The Spoken Text

Apart from the drug that is used for treating diseases, medicine has one more meaning and that is the science and practice from diagnosing to treating and preventing a disease. A variety of health care practices are involved in it and it also covers several fields like biomedical sciences, medical technology and genetics. Over the time, the sector has also improved its methods of preventing and treating diseases which were earlier confined to pharmaceuticals or surgery but then evolved to procedures such as psychotherapy, radiations, medical devices etcetera. The origin of medicine that took place in the prehistoric times was mostly based on religious and philosophical beliefs rather than on science. The locals also considered it to be more of an art requiring skill and knowledge. However, in the recent centuries, with the development of modern science it is considered to be both a combination of art and science rather than just being called an art. Currently, there are still some ancient methods of treating and preventing diseases which are referred to by the names folk medicine and traditional medicine. Whatever the case is, people who use these methods usually consider it safe to consult an experienced medical practitioner before consuming or applying any alternative medicine, or medical treatment. If proper consultation does not take place, it is believed to be mere quackery even if it is completely pre-scientific or pseudoscientific.

You must stay focused and concentrate fully until the last question has been answered.