Listening Part 8: Summarize Spoken Text

PTE Listening Part 8- Sample 6: Summarize The Spoken Text

Everyone is aware about the importance of education in today’s time, and the value of reading good books is also never undermined by any person so far. Nonetheless, there is a need to inform more people of the benefit of reading as many today are inclined towards using technology rather than spending time on other more resourceful things. Somatosensory cortex, the part of the brain responsible for physical sensations like movement, is said to have increased in activity after reading a book. Apart from this, the person tends to be more empathetic after reading literary fiction. Not only this, severe mental illnesses like Alzheimer’s can also be prevented with the help of reading books and magazines. This also means that the effects of mental ageing can be reduced as well. As most of the individuals read genres they are interested in, their mental stress declines in the same way as it would do during listening to a funny video or meditation.What is more, if this reading is done before sleeping, it can help you have a sound sleep and establish a proper routine for it. There is also nothing new in the fact that the rays emitted by mobile phones, laptops, personal desktops, television, or any other technical devices cause harm to the human eye in the long run, thus it is always recommended to read a printed book rather than an electronic one. However, reading in inappropriate lighting and settings can also cause harm, so choosing the right place and right time is very important for reading.

You must stay focused and concentrate fully until the last question has been answered.